Big Brothers Big Sisters Regional Convention

Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) is holding its Ontario Regional Conference June 26 and 27th.  The agenda looks engaging and focusses on the strategic directions of BBBS.  

I'm impressed by this organization.  Every year Big Brothers Big Sisters organizations across Canada mentor over 40,000 young people.  The impact is incredible.

I have the privilege of facilitating one of the workshops on June 27th.  I'm speaking on one of my favourite topics - policies and governance.  With the right policies in place, we enable employees to make good decisions.   Policies are also an important link between an organization's vision and its day-to-day operations.   The focus of my workshop will be on the characteristics of effective policies, including: why policies are important; the connection between mission, objectives, policies and procedures; and, guidelines for developing policies.  We'll develop a policy together regarding gift acceptance - a very timely topic for many charities and non-profits.
